Distance from the main tourist attractions
50 m
from Saint Anthony’s Basilica,
650 m from Prato della Valle square.

1 km
from the Scrovegni Chapel, Palazzo della Ragione, the Old University building and Caffè Pedrocchi.
2 km
from Padua exhibition and convention centre.
5 km
from Teatro Geox and Stadio Euganeo.
Saint Anthony’s Basilica

Saint Anthony’s Basilica, simply called “The Saint”, stands out in the square with the same name in all its majesty with its 800 years of history dating from the Middle Ages.
It is one of the most famous and popular places of worship in the Christian world. It has the precious task of guarding the remains of Fernando Martins de Bulhoes from Lisbon, also called Saint Anthony of Padua.

Padua Botanical Garden

Founded in 1545 for the cultivations of medicinal plants, the Padua Botanical Garden is located within an elegant circular architecture.
It is credited with spreading several varieties of exotic plants in Europe, including coffee and potato. It has also a modern soul, the “Garden of Biodiversity”, a bold and successful project, which recreates an ideal section of the globe from the Equator towards the Poles.
In 1997 the Padua Botanical Garden became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Prato della Valle

The elegant elliptical square is one of the largest in Europe, second only to the Red Square in Moscow.
It is an island of central green lawn crowned by 78 statues of famous figures of the past.
“Il Prato” is much loved by Padua people who use it to skate, walk or study, perhaps sunbathing, in every season of the year. The traditional market takes place on Saturdays.

Scrovegni Chapel and Eremitani Museum

The Scrovegni Chapel contains the most complete cycle of frescoes by Giotto, a masterpiece of all Italian and European fourteenth-century painting. Commissioned by Enrico Scrovegni, son of a rich Paduan usurer, perhaps to atone for his father’s sins, after Dante had placed him in the Hell of his Divine Comedy. True or not, thanks to him, this jewel of medieval art has come down to us and can be admired in all its surprising beauty by day or by night.

Palazzo della Ragione

It is a majestic structure with the particular appearance of an enormous capsized ship.
The palace stands in the center of a complex of historic municipal buildings between Piazza delle Erbe and Piazza della Frutta.
On the upper floor, a very large room called “Il Salone” is used for art exhibitions and important events, while the ground floor still functions today as a “timeless market” with its typical shops.

Cathedral Baptistery

The Cathedral’s baptistery is one of the stars which completes Padua, as a constellation of jewels of medieval painting: Urbis Picta!
Inside the circular building the painter Giusto de Menabuoi guides those who stop to contemplate the vault and walls on an exciting journey of colour and poetry.